In Memory

Susan Gorski (Marks)

June 2, 2021

Journal entry by Kelly Marks 

This is a very hard post to write—Mom passed away earlier this afternoon.
It was not unexpected but things happened much more quickly than anyone imagined. Over the past two weeks, she had started declining and was having more difficulty breathing. She was easily winded and very, very tired. Her cancer had spread and we think it probably led to organ failure. Since Sunday, she has been in what hospice calls "transition." She slipped into a mostly peaceful sleep with a few early moments of awareness. She was able to tell her grandchildren that she loved them, and she was also able to express that she did not want to be in her bed. Eventually, she settled in and since Sunday night, she has more or less slept.

For the past few days, she seemed comfortable and not in pain as her body slowed down. Corey and Kelly were at her side and family were able to share their love for her in brief visits, over the phone, or by sending prayers. Our dad was able to sit with her and tell her goodbye. We take comfort in the fact that she was not suffering and what pain she had been dealing with in life is no more. She was and will always be a very special woman.

A memorial will be planned for sometime later this summer. As we have more information, we'll post it here or on her facebook page. We would love for you to attend, in person or virtually, and share your memories of our mom. And of course if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to one or both of us.

Thank you all for caring for our mom so much - Kelly and Corey